in the mood", Sabtu, Februari 17, 2007

The Free Association

How many times you see reactionary comments in someone's blog, attacking both the writer and what he writes?
How many times you yourself relate somebody's character (or rather: whether you like him or not) to his writing or comment in a blog, forum, or mailing list?
Just exactly how much you reveal about yourself in this virtual world?
Certainly not everything, but also not nothing, and might actually be not less than during vis-à-vis contact (hmm... this is beginning to sound like Agatha Christie: it's not the physical appearance which is important, Hasting! It is the psychology - to what things he reacts and how he reacts - says Hercule Poirot a.k.a. peregrin :-D)

Well, those above are just some random thought :-) I am now actually intrigued by the topic of psychoanalysis, the method to investigate the unconscious mind. One of the techniques that is very interesting is the parapraxes, the Freudian slips - an error in speech, memory, or physical action that is believed to be caused by the unconscious mind. One example would be when a man calling his wife or girlfriend by the name of another girl (gotcha!! :-)).
Other techniques are the free association and symbolism. Well, back to the internet, this would happen a lot, wouldn't it? Since we would have time to let our mind works, making free association unconsciously in interpreting others' writing, and eventually we would reveal what has been long in the back of our mind when we give reaction (not necessarily the correct interpretation to what the other person's meant). The other way around also - we often choose carefully what we write, but still symbolism and parapraxes happens, although this wouldn't be obvious to everybody.

In analytical chemistry (as this is my formal field :-)), there is a control, e.g. validity test, to ensure that the data presented to us shows the accurate situation, avoiding false positive and negative. In psychoanalysis, how to control this? How to control, for example, the dream interpretation technique? Could the influence of the psychoanalyst to the patient be totally avoided? I remember the novel by Nicci French - The Memory Game - in which a psychiatrist can emphasize and direct the process of recalling memory of the patient, making her telling things that has not happened.

Well, for the moment I am waiting for a friend to explain to me more about at least the dream interpretation. I guess I have to read more some books since I don't know what to ask first. But this would take a longer time ... *sigh. I don't have so much time to read everything I want :-(


At Min Feb 18, 09:03:00 PM GMT+1, Blogger sushartami said...

What I often hear is: you are what you write. Jangan2 kau sedang menyelidiki aku dengan membaca blog-ku ya Rat, hehehe....
Habis mimpi apa sih kok jadi intrigued dengan 'tafsir mimpi'?

At Sel Feb 20, 07:59:00 PM GMT+1, Blogger peregrin said...

:D mimpi digigit ular mbak hehhe ... nggak kok, nggak pernah ingat mimpi apa, cuma justru krn gak pernah percaya beginian aq jd penasaran wkt ini dijadikan metode ilmiah utk investigasi mns ... tp emang Freudian gak sama ama primbon sih kekkekek :D

soal interaksi di dunia maya, maksudku krn khan gak ada kontak non verbal, so kalau ada reaksi2 itu sebenarnya lbh banyak bercerita ttg si org yg bereaksi itu sendiri. Tp ya ini terjd d semua tulisan jg ya. Contohnya reaksi org atas Saman, lha sptnya mrk2 itu gak benar2 baca bukunya deh :-)
Eniwei, aq cm penasaran aja, kan bkn psikolog jg, so gak mungkin lah menyelidiki mbak wiwik hehehe :-) ... tp aq menikmati banget lho tulisan2 mbak wiwik di blog :-)

ugh ini komen jd panjang banget ;-)

At Sel Feb 20, 09:03:00 PM GMT+1, Blogger sushartami said...

Mungkin karena begitu sebuah 'text' dilempar ke publik, maka si penulis udah dianggap mati (the death of the author). Otoritas pemaknaan teks itu sudah berpindah pada si pembaca teks. Ahli-ahli post-structuralist justru mengkritik jika ada pemaksaan pemaknaan tunggal pada teks. Sama halnya, the author of this 'text' (blog peregrin ini) harus siap tulisannya diterjemahkan beragam oleh para pembacanya, :D (tapi ya lain ceritanya kalo ga baca tapi komentar, hehehe)

Tentang 'menyelidiki': I was kidding.

At Sel Feb 20, 09:10:00 PM GMT+1, Blogger peregrin said...

lha lg online to? :D

"the author of this 'text' harus siap tulisannya diterjemahkan beragam oleh para pembacanya, :D"

hehe iya.. siaapp deh (*sambil tolah-toleh cari bala bantuan :-)) kekkeke :-)

the death of the author itu emang bener banget yah. jadi, kalo jadi penulis gak boleh protes dong kalo suatu saat dimaki-maki org? ;D hehe


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